Tutorial/Learning Center
Mission Statement:
The Tutorial/Learning Center in L-205 provides community-based, flexible learning environments to help City College students become more effective and confident independent learners and citizens. We aim to serve the entire campus community by offering many programs, services, and courses.
Program Learning Outcomes:
Improve grades through use of Tutorial Center services: Students will improve their grades in the course(s) in which they receive tutorial assistance. Increase Persistence and Retention: Students will persist and stay in course(s) until the end of the semester. No withdraw grade in student's final grade. Increase Self-Confidence: After receiving tutoring services and attending study skills workshops, students will improve their confidence in learning and mastering the subject(s).
Tutorial on how to log into Canvas for the first time
Spring 2025
To support students enrolled in City courses, the Tutorial/Learning Center (TLC) is providing FREE tutoring services with two options : In-Person Tutoring and eTutoring.
1. In-Person Tutoring, L-205
The TLC will be offering in person tutoring during Spring 2025 in L-205.
Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Friday 9:00am - 12:00pm
2. eTutoring
Available 7 days a week. In addition to City College tutors, eTutoring has tutors from over 130 two and four-year, public and private colleges and universities across America to assist you.
Click here to enroll in eTutoring.
Student Resources
Visit our Resource Page to access study guides and practice finals.
Contact us
Front Desk: 619-388-3685
Email: citytlc19@gmail.com