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Reporting Access Barriers

Web Access Barriers

San Diego City College is committed to equal access to web content, we aim to develop accessible websites and web applications to be in compliance with the following state and federal policies:

  • California Government Code Section 11135-11139.8 that brings into State law the protection of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act which ensures accessibility to government programs and also requires State government to follow accessibility requirements standards of Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, which ensures the accessibility of electronic and information technology.
  • Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act that prohibits discrimination based on disability in federally funded and federally conducted programs or activities, including public systems of higher education.

If you encounter an accessibility barrier with our online content, please use the linked form to report the issue:

Report a Web Accessibility Issue

For any additional inquires regarding web accessibility please contact:

Devika Chhabra
ADA/Title II Coordinator
San Diego Community College District
3375 Camino Del Rio South #275 
Phone: 619.388.8609

Physical Access Barriers

If you experience an access barrier to any areas/buildings at the City College Campus, please contact the DSPS office at 619-800-2873 or For updates on alternative accessible routes as a result of campus improvement projects please contact Roxann Solis.


How to file a complaint?

We strive to create the ultimate student experience at City College, but in the unlikely event, that you would wish to file a formal academic compliant, accommodations 504 complaint, harassment or discrimination, or general complaint you can find the instructions on how to do using this link:  

SDCCD Formal Complaint Process

Disability Related Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

BP 3725 – Information and Communications Technology Accessibility and Acceptable Use affirms the District commitment to accessibility of information and communications technology.

AP 3725 – Information and Communications Technology Accessibility & Acceptable Use outlines the procedures for the procurement of ICT: instructional and non-instructional materials, and affirms compliance with Section 508. Updated and expanded definitions are included.

BP 5140 – Academic Accommodations and Disability Discrimination for Students with Disabilities affirms the District commitment to provide accommodation, support services, programs and disability discrimination procedures for students with disabilities.  

AP 5140 Support Services, Programs and Disability Discrimination Procedures for Students with Disabilities outlines the procedures for the provision of accommodation, support services, programs and disability discrimination procedures for students with disabilities, and affirms compliance with Section 504. Updated and expanded definitions are included.

AP 3440 – Service Animals outlines the procedures for the use of a service animal on District property, and affirms compliance with Section 504 and the ADAAA. Updated definitions.