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Study Abroad Program

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Madrid, Spain Winter 2024. 4 weeks

Span 102, 201, 210 and 211 check our website for more

Photo of students in Spain


San Jose, Costa Rica Winter 2024 4 weeks

Span 102, 201, 210 and 211 check our website for more

Photo of students in Costa Rica

Mission Statement

Study abroad programs are designed to promote cross cultural competence, disciplinary scholarship, and foreign language acquisition. They also serve to inspire and inform students, preparing them with the skills necessary to effectively engage with local and global communities and become culturally perceptive citizens.  

Eligibility Requirements

Eligibility requirements to participate in study abroad programs include being 18 years of age or older by the date of departure, completing of 12 college-level units with a GPA of 2.0 or higher, being in good academic standing and making satisfactory progress, and a student conduct review. Program space is limited and spaces will be allotted on a first-come first-serve basis.


Rosie Sandoval
International Education Coordinator
Office: AH-518C

Travel Forms

Student Participation Agreement

Student Travel Medical Consent

Academic Clearance

Faculty interested in leading a group abroad forms

Faculty Responsibilities

Faculty Study Abroad Proposal/Application

Proposal Process


Don't let the cost of study abroad deter you!

The benefits of study abroad- language immersion, multi-cultural experience, travel, and creating opportunities for career advancement- far outweigh the financial cost. Our programs are one of the most affordable options, and with good planning, you can certainly make it happen!

Did you know that you may be able to apply financial aid or loans that you currently receive to a study abroad program? This is the first step to finding funds for study abroad. Here is more information on how to apply for Financial Aid toward your trip through SDCC. Financial Aid Info. For questions about financing your study abroad program contact Cecilia Navarro in the Financial Aid Office, San Diego City College at

Another option is scholarships. There are many dedicated solely to study abroad. Attached you'll find a list of scholarships from outside organizations. It's not exhaustive, but it's a good start. If you receive a Pell Grant, the Gilman Scholarship is a great opportunity because it covers the entire cost of the study abroad program.

Here are some helpful links for the Gilman Scholarship: 

MLSA (San Diego City College Official Study Abroad provider) offers its applicants a chance at a scholarship of up to $500! Application materials must be received by March 31. Recipients will be announced after the first week of April. The requirements are the following:

  • Be pursuing major/minor in Spanish; and/or interested in study in Spain, Mexico or Costa Rica.
  • You must be accepted in the MLSA program.
  • Write an essay on "Why I am interested in studying abroad."
  • Have a 3.30 GPA.
  • Send an official college transcript.
  • Have one of your Spanish teachers submit to us a letter of recommendation.

Finally, you'd also be surprised by what you can fund through sponsors! While not everyone is comfortable with this approach, it is an option. Some participants ask friends and family for funding outright and others use websites like Kickstarter and social media to their advantage. Even if the donations are small, every bit can help ease the cost of study abroad. You could even start and continue a blog about your trip to share the experience with your sponsors as a thank you for their donation.


Becoming globally aware: did you gain an appreciation of other people because you went on a study abroad?

Absolutely! Personally, I became very close to my host parents; especially with my host dad. We have so much in common. For example, he served for the Navy and retired after 40 years of service. I, on the other hand, currently work in law enforcement and serve my country on a local level. I really appreciate his service and admire his knowledge and extensive experience. He shared an array of stories while in the Navy, yet the most touching was leaving his wife and small children for years at a time and managed to stay together! That's true love! On a more broad point of view, the people here in Madrid are very respectful and polite. I never experienced someone being rude or disrespectful. This reminds me to be nice to people and offer help to those in need. However, I don't have trouble being this way; it's in my nature! 

Rethinking career path: did you have this experience? 

No. In fact, my host dad was happy to know that my major is Kinesiology. He said we need more physical therapist, massage therapist, Chiropractors, etc. I am delighted to help people.  And look forward on helping the elders specifically. 

Discovering skills you did not yet know you had: what were they? How/when/where did you discover them?

I learned that I can adapt quickly. My host dad for example, stated I was a local after getting around through the Metro system after my first day in Madrid. Another skill I have is bringing people together. I initiated a group chat among our group and my best skill is speaking to individuals personally. I dislike people feeling left out and do my best to bring confidence out of people.

Discovering passions you did not yet knew you had: what where they? How/when/where did you discover them? 

My passion is traveling and learning about different people. It's unbelievable how many people there is on this planet and are so united yet so divided. Being in Madrid was an eye opener! It was like viewing the earth from an eagles eye view. There are so many opportunities out there for us but due to our work and daily routine we become so close minded. That's why I'm in school. I strongly believe in learning new things and expanding my knowledge. 

Discovering resilience and confidence: What happen in you with believing in yourself? Were you uncomfortable before your trip abroad, but confident afterwards?

Overall, I am very resilient.  I've never felt un confidant, but I was a bit nervous about leaving home for a whole month. I've never been away from the country for an extended amount of time. I can handle very tough situations. However, during my stay in Madrid, I found myself being overwhelmed and feeling pressure by homework, waking up early to be on time to class and still having time to hangout with my classmates late evenings. Also, traveling outside of Spain did not help, yet I don't regret it one bit. I told myself prior to this trip that I did not come to Madrid to sleep. Being the oldest in the group, was very competitive. Keeping up with the youngsters was a successful challenge! 

--Freddy Gomez


Becoming globally aware: Did you gain an appreciation of other people because you went on a study abroad? 

I definitely gained an appreciation of others while studying abroad in Spain. I am usually very quiet and reserved but I have made so many new friends that I didn't think I'd meet. 

Rethinking career path: Did you have this experience? What happened?

Going on this abroad trip to Spain has enhanced my career choice of becoming a Social Worker because I have gotten to see more of a different culture that I am usually not familiar with. As a social worker, I will be in contact with many people from many different cultures.

Discovering skills you did not yet know you had: What were they? How/where/when did you discover them?

I have learned to open up more and not be so shy around others. I have become more confident in myself to speak with other people and discovered this while walking to a bar with other students in Madrid.

Discovering passions you did not yet know you had: What were they? How/where/when did you discover them?

I have learned to appreciate the Spanish culture and their different ways of doing things than how we do in the U.S. I've learned on assisted museum tours and also by just being observant while exploring Madrid. 

Discovering resilience and confidence: What happened that resulted in a you believing in yourself? Were you uncomfortable before the trip abroad, but confident afterwards? 

Going out with different groups of people has made me believe more in myself that anything is possible. I was definitely uncomfortable before going to Madrid because I am a shy person, but that has totally changed. I am no longer nervous to meet new people. 

Becoming globally aware: Did you gain an appreciation of other people because you went on a study abroad? 

I definitely gained an appreciation of others while studying abroad in Spain. I am usually very quiet and reserved but I have made so many new friends that I didn't think I'd meet. 

Rethinking career path: Did you have this experience?  What happened?

Going on this abroad trip to Spain has enhanced my career choice of becoming a Social Worker because I have gotten to see more of a different culture that I am usually not familiar with. As a social worker, I will be in contact with many people from many different cultures.

Discovering skills you did not yet know you had: What were they? How/where/when did you discover them?

I have learned to open up more and not be so shy around others. I have become more confident in myself to speak with other people and discovered this while walking to a bar with other students in Madrid.

Discovering passions you did not yet know you had: What were they? How/where/when did you discover them?

I have learned to appreciate the Spanish culture and their different ways of doing things than how we do in the U.S. I've learned on assisted museum tours and also by just being observant while exploring Madrid. 

Discovering resilience and confidence: What happened that resulted in a you believing in yourself? Were you uncomfortable before the trip abroad, but confident afterwards?

Going out with different groups of people has made me believe more in myself that anything is possible. I was definitely uncomfortable before going to Madrid because I am a shy person, but that has totally changed. I am no longer nervous to meet new people. 

--Kristen Bethea